PTSA Meetings, Minutes, and Budget  


You must be a PTSA member and logged in to access this content. 


If you are registered and currently a PTSA member, please login below, & you will be directed back to this page. 


If you have not created an account with us yet, it only takes a few minutes!  Please click below, and you will be directed through the process.  After you complete Step 1: Family Information and Step 2: Directory Publish Preferences, you will be taken back to your Family Account page where you can donate/join the PTSA, sign up to volunteer, or continue to browse the website.


REGISTER on this site: You only need to register once a school year, after June 30th*. Registering confirms your students at North Atlanta, provides access to the Online Directory and grade level communications, and access to additional content here. 


DONATE to the Annual Fund and Join the PTSA:

Your donation helps provide resources for the school and teachers, registers you as a member of the PTSA, and provides access to additional content on this website.

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