About the PTSA
At North Atlanta, our PTSA serves as the common point of support among the school’s most important stakeholders – the parents, teachers and students. We are already hard at work planning and staffing volunteers for events! At NAHS, the PTSA counts on your continued support to make our school one of the best high schools in Georgia.
The North Atlanta PTSA has a long history of generous family, teacher and student support. We can only accomplish our goals with your continued involvement of time and talent. We invite you to please join the PTSA in some capacity and volunteer your time to make North Atlanta High School the best it can be. The PTSA communicates with our families through grade level liaisons, publications of the Warrior Weekly, and other forms of social media.
We also work closely with the Go Team, NAPPS, the NAHS Foundation, and the Sports Booster Club to collaborate on our efforts for our school. The PTSA proudly supports our teachers throughout the year with a very active Teacher Appreciation Committee. We support our teachers often with many “Thank you” events, including breakfasts, lunches, and gift card drives.
Our Communications Team regularly posts announcements for the administration and teachers, and the Sunshine Committee helps to brighten their days. The PTSA supports our students through many different events and programs, such as: financial support of the College & Career Center, Milestones/AP/IB testing support, diversity and inclusion programs, drug awareness outreach, homecoming activities, member scholarships, and “Pizza with the Principal”.
We also regularly support school celebrations, such as student events in the fall and spring. We strive to build a community through school-wide events. Our first event is our Open House/Celebration of Learning and returning to school. At this event families and students will have a chance to see all the many offerings NAHS has to offer. Please come out and support the PTSA via membership and donations; as well as sharing your time and talent with NAHS. We look forward to meeting you!